Mijares Announces the Appointment of Two New Partners and a Counsel to Strengthen Its Leadership in Strategic Areas

Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, S.C., a leading Mexican law firm, is pleased to announce the appointment of Anacandy Perusquía and Fernando Guerrero as partners in the Corporate M&A and Energy & Infrastructure areas, respectively. Additionally, Elian Avila has been named Counsel for the Antitrust and Data Protection areas. These appointments will take effect on January 1st, 2025.

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Mijares expands Leadership Team with the Addition of Jaqueline Aranda to Launch a New International Trade Department

Mijares announces the incorporation of Jaqueline Aranda as counsel responsible for the new Foreign Trade area. This strategic addition will allow Mijares to offer comprehensive advice on foreign trade and customs matters, supporting its clients on key issues in all customs regimes, certification of origin, regulatory compliance and nearshoring.

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Amendments to the Securities Market Law: Implications and Opportunities for the Mexican Stock Market

On December 28, 2023, a Decree was published in the Federal Official Gazette introducing significant reforms to the Securities Market Act and the Investment Funds Act (Reform).

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Chambers Global Practice Guides: Antitrust Litigation 2024

We are delighted to present an insightful analysis by our partners Francisco Fuentes-Ostos and Carlos Orcí-Berea, along with our associates Elian Avila Zataray and Patricio Rivas San Román on the potential implications of the proposed constitutional reform aimed at eliminating the autonomous constitutional bodies COFECE and IFT, transferring their functions to the Executive Branch.

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FiBRAS Consolidation: A Growing Phenomenon in the Mexican Real Estate Market

In recent years, the Mexican real estate market has experienced a notable increase in the consolidation of FIBRAS (Real Estate Investment Trusts), a phenomenon that is reconfiguring the sector.

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Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, S.C., a leading Mexican law firm, is pleased to announce the appointment of Anacandy Perusquía and Fernando Guerrero as partners in the Corporate M&A and Energy & Infrastructure areas, respectively. Additionally, Elian Avila has been named Counsel for the Antitrust and Data Protection areas. These appointments will take effect on January 1st, 2025.
Mijares announces the incorporation of Jaqueline Aranda as counsel responsible for the new Foreign Trade area. This strategic addition will allow Mijares to offer comprehensive advice on foreign trade and customs matters, supporting its clients on key issues in all customs regimes, certification of origin, regulatory compliance and nearshoring.
We are delighted to present an insightful analysis by our partners Francisco Fuentes-Ostos and Carlos Orcí-Berea, along with our associates Elian Avila Zataray and Patricio Rivas San Román on the potential implications of the proposed constitutional reform aimed at eliminating the autonomous constitutional bodies COFECE and IFT, transferring their functions to the Executive Branch.
In recent years, the Mexican real estate market has experienced a notable increase in the consolidation of FIBRAS (Real Estate Investment Trusts), a phenomenon that is reconfiguring the sector.
In the competitive real estate world, carrying out a successful project is a complex challenge. Building, selling or leasing properties is only part of the process; it is also essential to effectively manage the legal, regulatory and technical aspects that these activities entail.
The merger notification regime serves as a key tool for competition authorities to analyze and approve certain mergers before they are completed, thus preventing those that could have anticompetitive effects. Failure to comply with this obligation can lead to severe penalties.
COFECE's Immunity Program is a crucial tool in the fight against absolute monopolistic practices (cartels), offering significant benefits such as reducing administrative penalties to a minimum and avoiding criminal liability. However, this umbrella of protections doesn’t extend to potential damages claims and class actions.
The main objective of the initiative is to recover the relevance of rail passenger transport, focusing on its crucial role for the economic and social development of the country.
On December 27, 2024, a decree was published amending the Fiscal Code of Mexico City, introducing a new obligation for owners of residential properties whose value is equal to or greater than MXN $4,524,974.08. The obligation requires the submission of an annual statement before the Secretary of Administration and Finance of Mexico City (SAF) on the occupancy status of their properties.
On February 5, 2025, Mexico’s President submitted a bill to the Senate that proposes new laws and reforms in the electric sector: the Law of the Electric Sector ("LES"), the Law of the National Energy Commission, the Law of the State Public Company, Federal Electricity Commission, the Law of Energy Planning and Transition, the Law of Biofuels, and the Law of Geothermal Energy are issued, and the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration is modified.
On February 5, 2025, President Claudia Sheinbaum introduced a bill (the "Bill") to the Senate to, among other things, enact the Law of the Hydrocarbons Sector (the “LSH”), the Law of the National Energy Commission (the "Law of the CNE"), and the Law of the State Public Company, Petróleos Mexicanos (the “Law of PEMEX”).
On January 28, 2025, the amendments to the "General Provisions Applicable to Issuers of Securities and Other Participants in the Securities Market" (the "Reform") were published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
The Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) issued the “General regulations applicable to simplified issuers and to securities subject to simplified registration” (Disposiciones de carácter general aplicables a las emisoras simplificadas y los valores objeto de inscripción simplificada) (the “Regulations”), which became effective as of January 22, 2025.
On January 21, 2025, the Official Gazette of the Federation published the “Decree Granting Tax Incentives to Support the National Strategy Called “Plan Mexico”, to Promote New Investments, Encourage Dual Training Programs, and Foster Innovation” (the “Decree”). The Decree aims to promote investment in fixed assets and promote training and technological innovation.
On January 13, 2025, the President of Mexico introduced “Plan México”, a strategy aimed at fostering the country’s industrialization and economic development. This plan seeks to implement a series of measures designed to attract investments, strengthen supply chains, promote innovation, simplify administrative processes, and encourage investments aligned with ESG standards.
On January 9th, 2025, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (the “INEGI”) published in the Federal Official Gazette an update of the Mexican Unit of Measurement and Update (“UMA”).
On January 8, 2025, it was published on the Mexican Federal Official Gazette (“DOF”), the Resolution that announces the creation and operation of the digital platform named Ventanilla Electrónica Ambiental (“VEA”), by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources ("SEMARNAT").
On December 20, 2024, the Federal Executive Branch published in the Federal Official Gazette the constitutional amendment to Article 28 (the “Constitutional Amendment”), which eliminates seven autonomous bodies, including the Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”) and the National Hydrocarbons Commission (“CNH”).
On December 24, 2024, a decree was published in the Official Journal (Diario Oficial de la Federación or DOF) extending the validity of several tax incentives for the fiscal year 2025. The original term of such decrees was foreseen until 2024.
On December, 20 2024, the Executive Branch published in the Official Gazette the constitutional amendment to article 28 (the “Constitutional Amendment”) by which seven autonomous authorities, among them, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (“COFECE”) and the Federal Telecommunications Institute (“IFT”).
The Ministry of Economy published in the Federal Official Gazette the Decree amending the Tariff on the General Import and Export Duties Law and the Decree for the Promotion of the Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Services Industry (IMMEX Decree).
On December 19, 2024, the Federal Executive published the economic bill for the year 2025 in the Official Gazette of the Federation ("DOF"), which includes, among others, the "Initiative containing the Draft Decree to Amend, Add, and Repeal Various Provisions of the Federal Duties Law " and the "Initiative of the Federal Revenue Law for the Fiscal Year 2025" (hereinafter, the "Economic Bill for 2025").
On November 13, 2024, the Secretary of Energy, Luz Elena González, presented the National Strategy for the Hydrocarbons and Natural Gas Sector for 2024-2030 (the "Strategy").
On November 13, 2024, the Chamber of Representatives approved the initiative to amend Article 19 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (CPEUM), which provides the list of offenses warranting mandatory preventive detention.
On November 12, 2024, the Decree granting a deferral of the moment of accrual of the interest obtained in swap transactions which underlying indicator is the Interbank Equilibrium Interest Rate (“TIIE” for its acronym in Spanish) for a term of 28 days, converted into other swap transactions, and which underlying indicator is the Interbank Equilibrium Interest Rate for a term of one banking business day referred to as Funding TIIE (“TIIE de Fondeo”), in order for such transactions to be considered as a single integrated financial derivative transaction with the corresponding tax effects, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation ("DOF").
On November 6, 2024, the Secretary of Energy, Luz Elena González, and the General Director of CFE, Emilia Calleja, presented the National Electric Sector Strategy (the “Strategy”). The Strategy follows the publication of the constitutional reform in strategic sectors, which, among other things, returns the nature of public entities to the Federal Electricity Commission (“CFE”) and PEMEX.
The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation ("SCJN") analyzed the project of Minister Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá regarding the constitutional challenge (acción de inconstitucionalidad) 164/2024 and accumulated challenges 165/2024, 166/2024, 167/2024 and 170/2024, filed by the Partido Acción Nacional, Partido Revolucionario Institucional, various deputies of the Congress of the State of Zacatecas, Partido Movimiento Ciudadano and Partido Unidad Democrática de Coahuila, in which they claimed the invalidity of the Decree that reforms, adds, and repeals various provisions of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, concerning the reform of the Judicial Branch, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on September 15, 2024 (the “Decree”).
On October 30, 2024, the Decree amending the fourth paragraph and adding a fifth paragraph to Article 28 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, regarding passenger railway transportation, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
On September 30, 2024, the Decree amending, adding and repealing various provisions of article 2 of the Mexican Constitution, regarding Indigenous and Afro-Mexican Communities, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
The decree that amends the fifth paragraph of Article 25, the sixth and seventh paragraphs of Article 27, and the fourth paragraph of Article 28 of the Mexican Constitution regarding strategic areas and enterprise was published on October 31, 2024.
The Plenary of the Federal Judiciary Council ("CJF") informed through Circular number 23/2024, dated October 23, 2024, that the contents of its previous Circular number 22/2024 remain in effect, which determined the resumption of work as of October 16, 2024. Circular number 23/2024 also indicates that current regulations must be applied to personnel who do not report to work starting on the 24th of the same month and year.
Uncertainty continues. The Plenary of the Federal Judiciary Council (“CJF”) informed through its Circular number 22/2024, dated October 16, 2024, that the federal judicial branch must resume activities from that date, according to the results of the consultation conducted by the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Federal Judiciary (“JUFED”) on October 11, 2024.
The Plenary of the Federal Judiciary Counsel informed, through its Circular number 20/2024, that the dialogue tables with the judges and employees of the Federal Judicial Branch continues, therefore, it determined to continue with the suspension of the jurisdictional activities and judicial terms for cases processed in federal courts and administrative areas until October 11, 2024.
On September 18, 2023, the Ministry of Energy ("SENER") published in the Official Gazette of the Federation the Resolution that modifies the rules that establish the goods whose import and export is subject to regulation (the "Resolution"), with the aim of updating and simplifying the procedure for obtaining the permits for the import and export of hydrocarbons and petroleum products, as well as including a catalog of specifications that contains the composition and physicochemical properties of such goods.
On February 8, 2024, the Board of the LXV Legislature of the Chamber of Deputies, turned to the Constitutional Commission the initiative presented by the President of the Republic containing the Decree for the reform of the second paragraph of Article 19 of the Constitution regarding preventive imprisonment.
The Plenary of the Federal Judiciary Branch informed, through its circular number 19/2024, that as a result of the dialogue tables convened by the Circuit Magistrates, District Judges and employees of the Federal Judicial Branch, they determined to continue with the suspension of the jurisdictional activities and terms for cases processed in federal Courts and administrative areas until October 2, 2024.
The Federal Judiciary Branch reported, through circular number 18/2024, that jurisdictional activities and terms for lawsuits processed in federal Courts will renew as of September 23, 2024.
The recent judicial reform in Mexico brings significant changes, including the popular election of Supreme Court justices, district judges, and magistrates.
The purpose of this document is to inform our clients about certain recent amendments to real estate laws enacted in Mexico City (“CDMX”), specifically concerning the reforms to Mexico City’s Civil Code (“CCDF”) (Código Civil para el Distrito federal), Mexico City’s Housing Law (Ley de Vivienda para la Ciudad de México) (“Housing Law”), and Mexico City’s Constitution (Constitución Política de la Ciudad de México) (“CCM”).
On August 19, 2024, employees of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) began an indefinite suspension of activities in response to the judicial reform initiative that, in their opinion, affects their labor rights and the fundamental rights of all Mexican nationals.
On August 19, 2024, employees of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) began an indefinite suspension of activities in response to the judicial reform initiative that, in their opinion, affects their labor rights and the fundamental rights of all Mexicans.
Starting on May 9, 2024, shopping centers in Mexico City must comply with new provisions under the Construction Regulations for the Federal District (the "New Provisions"). These reforms aim to improve delivery logistics, enhance the consumer experience, and contribute to urban mobility.
On June 7, 2024, a decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation amending and adding various provisions of the General Law to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Crimes related to Human Trafficking and for the Protection and Assistance to the Victims of These Crimes (the "Decree").