FiBRAS Consolidation: A Growing Phenomenon in the Mexican Real Estate Market

In recent years, the Mexican real estate market has experienced a notable increase in the consolidation of FIBRAS (Real Estate Investment Trusts), a phenomenon that is reconfiguring the sector.

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A Comprehensive Approach to the Success of Your Real Estate Projects

In the competitive real estate world, carrying out a successful project is a complex challenge. Building, selling or leasing properties is only part of the process; it is also essential to effectively manage the legal, regulatory and technical aspects that these activities entail.

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Stay informed with the latest legal updates.

New Environmental Liability Law of Mexico City

National implications and trends for the real estate and industrial sectors

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Sanctions for Failing to Notify Mergers: A Reminder of the Importance of Compliance

The merger notification regime serves as a key tool for competition authorities to analyze and approve certain mergers before they are completed, thus preventing those that could have anticompetitive effects. Failure to comply with this obligation can lead to severe penalties.

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The Immunity Program Dilemma: Damages Claims and Class Actions

COFECE's Immunity Program is a crucial tool in the fight against absolute monopolistic practices (cartels), offering significant benefits such as reducing administrative penalties to a minimum and avoiding criminal liability. However, this umbrella of protections doesn’t extend to potential damages claims and class actions.

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In recent years, the Mexican real estate market has experienced a notable increase in the consolidation of FIBRAS (Real Estate Investment Trusts), a phenomenon that is reconfiguring the sector.
In the competitive real estate world, carrying out a successful project is a complex challenge. Building, selling or leasing properties is only part of the process; it is also essential to effectively manage the legal, regulatory and technical aspects that these activities entail.
The merger notification regime serves as a key tool for competition authorities to analyze and approve certain mergers before they are completed, thus preventing those that could have anticompetitive effects. Failure to comply with this obligation can lead to severe penalties.
COFECE's Immunity Program is a crucial tool in the fight against absolute monopolistic practices (cartels), offering significant benefits such as reducing administrative penalties to a minimum and avoiding criminal liability. However, this umbrella of protections doesn’t extend to potential damages claims and class actions.
The main objective of the initiative is to recover the relevance of rail passenger transport, focusing on its crucial role for the economic and social development of the country.
The recent judicial reform in Mexico brings significant changes, including the popular election of Supreme Court justices, district judges, and magistrates.
The purpose of this document is to inform our clients about certain recent amendments to real estate laws enacted in Mexico City (“CDMX”), specifically concerning the reforms to Mexico City’s Civil Code (“CCDF”) (Código Civil para el Distrito federal), Mexico City’s Housing Law (Ley de Vivienda para la Ciudad de México) (“Housing Law”), and Mexico City’s Constitution (Constitución Política de la Ciudad de México) (“CCM”).
On August 19, 2024, employees of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) began an indefinite suspension of activities in response to the judicial reform initiative that, in their opinion, affects their labor rights and the fundamental rights of all Mexican nationals.
On August 19, 2024, employees of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) began an indefinite suspension of activities in response to the judicial reform initiative that, in their opinion, affects their labor rights and the fundamental rights of all Mexicans.
Starting on May 9, 2024, shopping centers in Mexico City must comply with new provisions under the Construction Regulations for the Federal District (the "New Provisions"). These reforms aim to improve delivery logistics, enhance the consumer experience, and contribute to urban mobility.
On June 7, 2024, a decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation amending and adding various provisions of the General Law to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Crimes related to Human Trafficking and for the Protection and Assistance to the Victims of These Crimes (the "Decree").