About us

At Mijares, we strive for excellence in everything we do.

We are a firm of professionals distinguished by our brilliance, efficiency, and effectiveness. We recognize that perfection is an unattainable ideal, but we are committed to achieving the highest standard of quality.
We proudly affirm that we are the best law firm in Mexico. We stand out as pioneers and leaders in our field, always at the forefront of implementing innovative legal strategies.

What sets us apart is our commitment to the active presence and participation of our partners in every matter we handle. We value our associates from the moment they join our firm and provide them with opportunities to be involved in complex and novel matters alongside our partners, creating a school of excellence at the highest level.

The demands at Mijares are high; our standard is the highest. We do not settle for anything less than the best. We strive to exceed expectations, challenge boundaries, and continuously raise the bar of excellence in the legal world.

At Mijares, we are more than a firm of lawyers and tax advisors; we are a guarantee of quality, innovation, and unwavering commitment to our clients and our profession. We are dedicated to the success of our clients.

Meet the team

Nuestras alianzas

Formamos parte de una red global de firmas

Affinitas representa el esfuerzo conjunto de cuatro firmas de abogados independientes y líderes en los países de la Alianza del Pacífico: Barros & Errázuriz en Chile, Gómez-Pinzón en Colombia, Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes en México y Miranda & Amado en Perú.

Taxand es la organización tributaria independiente más grande del mundo, enfocada en brindar asesoría fiscal integral y de la más alta calidad, sin comprometerse al trabajo de auditoría. Los asesores fiscales de Taxand trabajan conjuntamente para brindar servicios legales globales a los clientes.

Firma consciente

la Diversidad e Inclusión son fundamentales en nuestra Firma

Un equipo diverso genera perspectivas diferentes, identifica mejores soluciones y fomenta un ambiente de trabajo respetuoso y tolerante donde todos sus miembros son capaces de ser ellos mismos.
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Fundadores de la firma legal: Fundadores de Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes S.C.




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