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Mijares Announces the Appointment of Two New Partners and a Counsel to Strengthen Its Leadership in Strategic Areas

Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, S.C., a leading Mexican law firm, is pleased to announce the appointment of Anacandy Perusquía and Fernando Guerrero as partners in the Corporate M&A and Energy & Infrastructure areas, respectively. Additionally, Elian Avila has been named Counsel for the Antitrust and Data Protection areas. These appointments will take effect on January 1st, 2025.
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Mijares expands Leadership Team with the Addition of Jaqueline Aranda to Launch a New International Trade Department

Mijares announces the incorporation of Jaqueline Aranda as counsel responsible for the new Foreign Trade area. This strategic addition will allow Mijares to offer comprehensive advice on foreign trade and customs matters, supporting its clients on key issues in all customs regimes, certification of origin, regulatory compliance and nearshoring.
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Amendments to the Securities Market Law: Implications and Opportunities for the Mexican Stock Market

On December 28, 2023, a Decree was published in the Federal Official Gazette introducing significant reforms to the Securities Market Act and the Investment Funds Act (Reform).
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