On January 13, 2025, Official Letter number 400.2025.001 was published on the portal of the National Foreign Trade Information Service (SNICE), which details the criteria and requirements that regulate the applicability of Annex I of the IMMEX Decree.
In said Official Letter, an extension of 6 months is granted as of its publication, to have an exception to the import restriction of goods classified in Chapters 61, 62, 63 (clothing) and subheadings 9404.40 and 9404.90 of the Tariff of the General Import and Export Duties Law, which was established in the Decree of December 19, 2024.
The above in order not to affect companies in compliance with their foreign trade obligations and export goods that were already scheduled before the issuance of the Decree.
To obtain this exemption, companies with the IMMEX program must have certification registration, provide access to the automated inventory control system (Annex 24) and have carried out foreign trade operations with merchandise classified under the tariff headings indicated during 2024, among others.
A written request must be submitted, and its resolution will be issued within a maximum period of 15 working days.
For any questions or comments, you can contact our expert Foreign Trade team.