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Environment, Governance and Sustainability (ESG)

We are convinced that as a business law firm we play a key role in promoting social responsibility and sustainability.

Hence, we adopted the Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) standards as part of our ADN and integrated our ESG transactional, compliance and litigation capabilities in one single ESG practice area to advise our clients on:

  • the adoption of ESG standards,
  • the implementation of financing operations and offerings linked to sustainability,
  • the development of compliance mechanisms to identify, mitigate and manage their exposure to ESG risks and contingencies, and
  • the representation of our clients in ESG conflicts and litigation.

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Casos de éxito

ESG is now a key differentiator in financing and capital markets transactions. Our team has been involved in some of the most innovative transactions in the market. In these transactions, we have advised clients on the adoption of ESG standards and the preparation of documentation for financing and issuance in line with international standards such as LMA's Green Loan Principles and the 2018 Green Bond Principles.

For example, we participated in the first issuance of a sustainability-linked bond by an airport group (OMA), the first social bond by a microfinance institution (Compartamos), one of the first green bonds issued by a housing company (Consorcio ARA), one of the first sustainability-linked bonds issued in Latin America by a non-bank financial institution (Mega), one of the first green loans in Mexico by a global retailer (Ikea), and the first green loan issued by a transportation infrastructure company (RCO).

Similarly, we are participating in collaboration with IDOM, S.A. de C.V. on the Effective Governance Project of the Lithium Industry in Mexico, and we are also leading the project for the Accompaniment of Regulation related to Mexico's Sustainable Taxonomy for CONSAR.

Nuestros Servicios ESG

Ofrecemos una asesoría integral diseñada para responder a los desafíos más complejos que enfrentan las empresas en materia de sostenibilidad. Nuestro enfoque combina un entendimiento profundo de las normativas nacionales e internacionales, con una estrategia adaptada a las necesidades específicas de cada cliente.
  • Adopción de estándares ESG:
    Guiamos a nuestros clientes en la implementación de estrategias sostenibles alineadas con los principales marcos internacionales, como las Normas NIIF S1 y S2 del ISSB, GRI, SASB y CDP. Ayudamos a integrar estos estándares en sus operaciones para garantizar el cumplimiento normativo.
  • Informes de sostenibilidad:
    Elaboramos informes anuales de sostenibilidad que cumplen con los requerimientos regulatorios y reflejan las mejores prácticas internacionales. Estos reportes incluyen el aseguramiento externo necesario para garantizar la calidad y credibilidad de la información presentada, en línea con los estándares exigidos por las Normas NIIF de sostenibilidad.
  • Cumplimiento ESG:
    Diseñamos programas regulatorios y mecanismos efectivos para identificar, mitigar y gestionar riesgos en áreas clave como ambiental, laboral, derechos humanos y fiscal. Nuestro enfoque se centra en construir un marco sólido que refuerce la gobernanza corporativa y promueva una gestión responsable de riesgos.
  • Transacciones con componentes ESG:
    Asesoramos a nuestros clientes en la estructuración e implementación de instrumentos financieros sostenibles, como bonos verdes, sociales y vinculados a sostenibilidad, así como en financiamientos que cumplen con los principios internacionales establecidos como los LMA’s Green Loan Principles y los Green Bond Principles de 2018, entre otros estándares relevantes.
  • Litigios ESG:
    Representamos a nuestros clientes en disputas relacionadas con la sostenibilidad, derechos humanos y cumplimiento corporativo. Nuestra experiencia incluye litigios ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza, abordando temas como discriminación, derechos colectivos, acoso laboral, y conflictos ante tribunales especializados o agencias regulatorias.
Cliente satisfecho estrechando la mano con un abogado: Cliente feliz con servicio legal en Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes S.C.


Nuestra Firma ha recibido diversos premios y reconocimientos que reflejan nuestro compromiso con la excelencia y liderazgo en el ámbito legal.


Our main objective is to advise our clients in all legal aspects related to the incorporation, implementation, compliance, and monitoring of ESG standards.

To meet the specific ESG and compliance needs of our clients, we have formed a multidisciplinary team composed of expert from various practice areas including Environmental, Labor, Corporate Governance, Tax, Antitrust, Compliance and Corporate Criminal Liability, Corporate Finance, and Capital Markets.

What sets us apart in the market is our ability to implement compliance programs in different areas, enhancing corporate governance, risk management and dispute resolution.




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January 16, 2025
On January 13, 2025, the President of Mexico introduced “Plan México”, a strategy aimed at fostering the country’s industrialization and economic development. This plan seeks to implement a series of measures designed to attract investments, strengthen supply chains, promote innovation, simplify administrative processes, and encourage investments aligned with ESG standards.
January 14, 2025
The ministry of economy issues criteria and requirements that regulate the applicability of annex 1 of the immex decree.
January 10, 2025
On January 9th, 2025, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (the “INEGI”) published in the Federal Official Gazette an update of the Mexican Unit of Measurement and Update (“UMA”).
Environment, Governance and Sustainability (ESG)
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