Corporate Criminal Liability and Compliance
Our Corporate Criminal Responsibility and Compliance team provides companies with strategic legal advice on matters related to corporate criminal liability and governance bodies, as well as regulatory compliance.
Our service offering encompasses both the prevention of criminal risks and liabilities and litigious defense. Firstly, we advise clients on preventive measures through compliance programs, business policies, risk identification, administrative standards, and organizational control requirements regulated by the national criminal system and based on international standards and best practices.
We work proactively to protect our clients in cases involving a wide range of issues including corporate integrity, public and private corruption, discrimination, human rights violations, industrial accidents and spills, toxic damage and environmental harm, oil and gas crimes, money laundering (AML), insider trading, trade and securities control, personal data protection, corporate injury and manslaughter, among others.
Secondly, we offer legal advice and practical representation for internal investigations according to international standards and in all phases of corporate criminal litigation, defending the company and its board members against any charges that may be brought against them. Our extensive experience in practice allows us to provide clients with advice on alternative justice, negotiation, and remediation agreements, as well as criminal litigation related to federal and state investigations and charges against companies and their directors.