Sandra Leal

Associate since 2017

Sandra has represented and advised Mexican Companies throughout the treatment and solution of their individual employment disputes at the time he has been part of recognized firms specialized in Labor Law focusing mainly in individual employment disputes.

+52 (55) 5201 7530


The experience and educational background of our professionals form the foundation of our practice.

Our continuous dedication and preparation ensure that each client receives high-quality legal representation, backed by a solid foundation of knowledge and experience.
  • Law Degree, Facultad de Derecho de la Barra Nacional de Abogados, 2012.
  • Associate, Jiménez de León Ramírez Abogados, 2015- 2016.
Cliente satisfecho estrechando la mano con un abogado: Cliente feliz con servicio legal en Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes S.C.


The awards we have received support our dedication to excellence in every practice area.


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September 12, 2024
The recent judicial reform in Mexico brings significant changes, including the popular election of Supreme Court justices, district judges, and magistrates.
September 6, 2024
In recent years, the Mexican real estate market has experienced a notable increase in the consolidation of FIBRAS (Real Estate Investment Trusts), a phenomenon that is reconfiguring the sector.
September 5, 2024
The purpose of this document is to inform our clients about certain recent amendments to real estate laws enacted in Mexico City (“CDMX”), specifically concerning the reforms to Mexico City’s Civil Code (“CCDF”) (Código Civil para el Distrito federal), Mexico City’s Housing Law (Ley de Vivienda para la Ciudad de México) (“Housing Law”), and Mexico City’s Constitution (Constitución Política de la Ciudad de México) (“CCM”).