
Implementation of the virtual queue for scheduling appointments at the offices of the tax administration service

As a result of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus or COVID-19, recently the Tax Administration Service (“SAT”) had little or no availability to schedule appointments at its various offices, which are necessary to carry out relevant procedures that are part of taxpayers' obligations. Among the most common procedures in which a face-to-face appointment is required at the SAT offices are the generation of an e-signature, the registration of legal persons with the Federal Register of Taxpayers, the submission of notices of change of corporate name, merger, division and liquidation, among others.

In order to end the problem of the availability of appointments and with the objective of allowing taxpayers to meet their obligations in a timely manner, as of November 1, 2021, the SAT enabled the “Virtual Queue” through its website to obtain appointments (https://citas.sat.gob.mx/), which is a tool that automatically schedules an appointment as soon as there is availability, depending on the concept and location chosen by the taxpayer.

To “take a shift” in the Virtual Queue, the taxpayer must enter the website mentioned above and enter the code in the Federal Taxpayers Registry (“RFC”), email, concept of the appointment they want to schedule and location of the offices they intend to attend. The system will provide the option to take a shift in the Virtual Queue and will require entering a verification token, which will be sent to the email mentioned above. In the assigned email, the taxpayer will receive an email confirming the successful assignment of the shift in the Virtual Queue.

To check the shift number in the Virtual Queue, the taxpayer must enter the “Consult/Manage Appointment” section of the above-mentioned website, where the system will request the RFC key and the email that was used to take the shift in the Virtual Queue. The system will request verification through a token sent to the previously entered email.

To the extent that there is availability for the concept and at the location chosen by the taxpayer, depending on their shift in the Virtual Queue, the system will notify the taxpayer of such availability through an email. Within 24 hours of notification of availability, the taxpayer must enter the Consult/Manage Appointment section to accept the assigned appointment.


SAT Virtual Queue: Effective Solution for Appointment Availability

Introduction to the SAT Virtual Queue

As a result of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus or COVID-19, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) has faced little or no availability to schedule appointments at its various offices. These appointments are essential for carrying out relevant procedures that are part of taxpayers' obligations. Among the most common procedures that require a face-to-face appointment at the SAT offices are the generation of an e-signature, the registration of legal persons with the Federal Taxpayers Registry, and the submission of notices of change of corporate name, merger, division and liquidation, among others.

SAT Solution: The Virtual Queue

To solve the lack of availability of appointments and allow taxpayers to meet their obligations in a timely manner, the SAT implemented the “Virtual Queue” as of November 1, 2021. This tool is available through their website (https://citas.sat.gob.mx/), and automatically schedule an appointment as soon as there is availability, depending on the concept and location chosen by the taxpayer.

Process for Taking a Shift in the Virtual Queue

To “take a shift” in the Virtual Queue, the taxpayer must enter the website mentioned above and provide the code in the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), email, concept of the appointment they want to schedule and the location of the offices they intend to attend. The system will offer the option of taking a shift in the Virtual Queue and will require entering a verification token, which will be sent to the registered email. Once this process is completed, the taxpayer will receive an email confirming the successful assignment of the shift in the Virtual Queue.

Viewing Shifts in the Virtual Queue

To check the shift number in the Virtual Queue, the taxpayer must access the “Consult/Manage Appointment” section on the above-mentioned website. The system will request the key in RFC and the email used to take the shift in the Virtual Queue. Additional verification will be required using a token sent to the previously entered email.

Notifications and Acceptance of Appointments

As there is availability for the taxpayer's chosen concept and location, the system will notify the taxpayer of the availability of an appointment via email. The taxpayer will have 24 hours to accept the assigned appointment by going to the Consult/Manage Appointment section.

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