Ramiro Cota

Associate since 2018

Ramiro started working at the firm Espino y Asociados on December 2008 as an associate until February 2018. He has ample experience in insolvency proceedings (concurso mercantil) on behalf of the merchant, creditor or specialists, also in planning and executing strategies and proceedings on civil and mercantile matters.

He has participated in the insolvency proceedings of ICA and Avalon Marine, Estudios y Servicios Ecológicos y Ambientales de Tabasco, Sago Electronics on behalf of those companies, among others, as well as in the insolvency proceedings of Perforadora Oro Negro when defending Pemex Perforación y Servicios of the precautory measures of which it was the recipient.

+52 (55) 5201 7481
  • Spanish.
  • English.


The experience and educational background of our professionals form the foundation of our practice.

Our continuous dedication and preparation ensure that each client receives high-quality legal representation, backed by a solid foundation of knowledge and experience.
  • Law Degree, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Chihuahua, 2008.
  • Associate, Espino y Asociados, 2008 - 2018.
Cliente satisfecho estrechando la mano con un abogado: Cliente feliz con servicio legal en Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes S.C.


The awards we have received support our dedication to excellence in every practice area.


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March 3, 2025
On February 28, 2025, the Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”, per its acronym in Spanish) published “Resolution No. A/023/2025 that establishes the suspension of the reception of filings, applications, or submissions under the jurisdiction of the Energy Regulatory Commission” (the “Resolution”) in the Federal Official Gazette.
February 25, 2025
Report on the current situation of tariffs that the United States government, under Donald Trump’s administration, has announced in the past month.